Shortbread in a Short Time!
Posted by Karla Militello on

Last week....oh what a week!
We didn't have time to make our Shortbread Mix for our Fourth Baking Mix of Christmas...

But this weekend we made it, and let us tell you how E-A-S-Y it is....

Get yourself our Classic Shortbread Mix (did we mention yet that it is easy?) Then get a bowl, 9x13 pan, a fork, two sticks of butter and a pan to melt your butter in.

Put the butter in your pan to melt it.

When it has all melted, add the butter and then mix with the fork until combined.

Put that lovely shortbread into the 9x13 and pat down then prick with your fork. Put your pan into the oven and bake!

Crisp, yet melt in your mouth goodness!
You MUST know, these are great with some of our Dallas Caramel Sauce on top of them and are phenomenal with our Lemon or Lime Curd (WOW!!!) These make great gifts as stop on out this week and get yourself some of these fabulous mixes!
Keep in mind that these can be stored in an air-tight container for 2 weeks (if they last that long)